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Out of stock
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  • Contains 10 out of the 13 names (the remaining 3 names: PERSEUS, CYGNUS and PHOENIX, if required, available in the Orient Express pack 2mm-4149
  • Contains correct shaded left and right-facing "GOLDEN ARROW" and "FLECHE D'OR" emblems.
  • Sufficient to detail up to 9 vehicles (they ran in sets of 4 so it also gives you one spare).
Due to abuse of this functionality by some, mis-use of the fields below or requesting an out-of-stock item multiple times will not get registered.

Similarly, requesting an out-of-stock item does not constitute an "order" nor place us under an obligation to re-stock it within a specific time frame. If an item has not reappeared in stock for some time then there is probably a good reason. This functionality is here to help us help you where we have the means to do so.

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