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Home > Themes > Steel / iron / scrap traffic
Gauge Item #  Description Cost
2mm 1670 BR Sub-Sector Railfreight Metals logos: locos £7.90
2mm 4338 BR 56t iron ore Consett / Tyne Dock wagon £4.90
2mm 6070 SJA box opens £3.90
2mm 6332 BR single, twin & double bogie bolsters £3.90
2mm 6361 27t welded steel iron ore tipplers £4.90
2mm 6502 Railfreight logos: wagons £4.90
2mm 6621 POA: SSA scrap (BSC blue livery) £6.90
2mm 6731 Steel coils: Coil J, Coil P, Coil R / Strip Coil £7.90
2mm 6931 MSV 26.5t iron ore tipplers for stone £5.90
2mm 7130 Steel wagons: BAA BBA full detail £6.90
2mm 7176 BR 20t Pig Iron dia 1/004 £4.90
2mm 7178 BR 20t strip coil dia 1/423 £4.90
2mm 8031 PTA Ravenscraig bogie tipplers £3.90
2mm 8051 PR Sheerness Steel: POA JXA £7.90
2mm 8054 SSA scrap wagon: 470nnn (EWS) £7.90
2mm 8599 IHA enclosed steel carrier £8.90
2mm 8655 ASW (Allied Steel & Wire) logos £3.90